četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

Food is love :)

In my 3rd idea journal entry I would like to present you what come up on my mind after combining two of my most favourite words, which are: food and love.

You may want to ask me why did I choose this two, simple words. On the first, they don't see hard to match or to come up with business idea for them, but actually, it is kinda hard to think of someting that does not already exists. Also, these are one of the several basic human needs, without any acceptions. 

Food is love. And I really mean it. It is amazing how much you can say with food, how you can express your emotions and make someone happy. Cooking for the people we love and watching them enjoying our food is one of the most amazing things in the world!

To come up with three business ideas, I used again the word association games, and this is what I come up with:

First the word love....

Than  food....

From that, I developed my three ideas:

1. Travel with muffins
2. Customized macarons
3. Food center

1. Travel with muffins is the idea which connects eating and travelling. First of all, in Zagreb there is no place where you can buy perfect muffins, with great taste and wonderfully look! So, to begin, first there must be opened a cupcake store/caffe in which you can come and buy your muffins. Idea is to create different kinds of muffins which will be named and look like big cities throughout the world which will have the QR code on the paper wrap (down side of the muffin) which people can scan and it can take them for 5 minutes to they desired place. At the end of the video, they will get an offer from travel agency which will ask them do they wanna book their trip. Muffins would be sold throughout the year, but the shop will open just before summer holidays to inspire people to travel more and discover different cultures and nations. It would be setteled near the main square in Zagreb in order to get as much customers as it can. :)

 2. Customized macarons is an idea based on the same problem as travel with muffins and that is that there is no place in Zagreb where you can buy real and tasty macarons! So, therefore, I am thinking that how cool would it be to open a macarons shop that would have customized packagings of muffins with some extraordinary taste! Shop will be oppened in December near the main square to connect Christmas presents shopping with upcoming time of Valentine's Day gifts. Wouldnt't it be cool if you gave your husband or father a gift which consists of 5 macarons with Jack Daniels filling?

3. I would like to modify a bit food center which we all know. Connecting it with TED talk entry I will write about in some of my upcoming posts (the problem of food waste), my idea is to encourage farmers to sell/donate all of their food which they intended to waste in order to help ones who are not able to afford it. It would basically work at the principle that people who don't have enough money come with cupons and they get food for them. Also, people who think they have too much food could also donate a bag of spagetti or tomato sauce to help ones in need!

Hope you like it! Have a lovely day! :)

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