četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

What's wrong?

What's wrong?

I often tend to get lost in supermarket, meaning I loose to much time, buy a lot unecesary things, watch products and what's appealling me on them and what's not.

During my week shopping in Billa, I ran into product called Cokolesnik. It is a mixture of chocolate and hazelnuts powder that is combined with milk in order to get a baby food. When I was little , I adorred  (I still do) one simmilar product (Cokolino).

As I said, I love Cokolesnik's substitute product, and I still buy it sometimes. However, as I am always eagar to buy and try someting new, one day I caught myself looking for something like Cokolino and I ran into Cokolesnik.

Of course, this products are situated in the part of the supermarket where all the baby food and other baby supplies (dippers, wet tissues, etc.) are . This products span all has either baby picture on themselves, or some chereful, typicial packaging for that target group or some funny animal on their front.

Then Cokolesnik fell into my eye. With it's simple, outdated, uninnovative, plain and I could say boring packaging it truly stands out in the variety of simillar products. Packaging is brown, with just few pieces of chocolate and nuts on it, without any indications that catch your eye it is for kids. It looks like a product that could be popular 20-30 years ago.

Having that in mind , but also the personal connection that most of the citizens of Croatia who are my age have with Cokolino, Cokolesnik with a unclear and unappeling packaging lost a lot of potential customers.

As a possible solution for Cokolesnik I see changing the whole package, especially it's colour in order to get more appealing to parents and children itselfs. The new package should be colorful, with a genuine story behind the product which will encourage customers to buy it.  

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