četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

Healthy eating!

Welcome to my second idea entry!

During one of our first Enerpreneurship classes, we had to pair up two words to come up with a business idea. First word that we choose was ecological, and the second one was bakery. And again, it seems like a logical solution what to do.

What we wanted to do is the ecological kind of bakery, with special salads and pastry made from organic grown inputs from trustable suppliers. It isn't so innovative, is it? But if I look my hometown, place where I have been living for 21 years, I can truly say that this kind of place does not exist.

We have done a little asociation game in order to help us with our idea, and this is what we got from joining foces:

Furthermore,to elaborate a bit more, my colleauges and I wrote some basic guidelines how will it funcionate. 

So, here we go:

It should be an eco friendly bakery with more quality to offer to the end customers in order do differentiate from competitive market. With an inspiring idea to promote healthy living style, sources from EU funds can be obtainted which will help owners to buy most quality products and deliver high-standard service.

Idea is to support urban way of living with some healthy nutrition food which will guarante its consumers best organic products. Therefore, also qualify for possible certificates in this field. Employees are going to be eco-friendly and connected with the company in order to preform at their best in front of customers.

Hope you like it! Have a lovely day! :)

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