četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

Uninvited guests? Not a problem anymore!

How many times have you got phone call from some of your friends which was going something like this:
"Hi, we are in the neighbourhood, would you mind if we stop in 30 minutes to see you?" and you were like: "Sure, we would be glad to have you here!" And all that time in your head it was going like: "no, please, I don't have anything to offer to you."

You hang up your phone and immediately start to thinking what to prepare. Well, I'm sure that most certailny you have some vegetables, some cheese, ham and nuts at home. Why don't make a salad bar then?
It will look amazing, it will allow your guests to be creative and pick what they like, and they sure didn't have that already!

On the page e-how.com you can find great article about how to prepare a perfect salad bar for a party. I modified it a little bit and you got creative solution for uninvited guests. :)

E-how suggests six steps in creating a perfect salad bar, begining with choosing an ideal location for it (kitchen table, or maybe terrace if it is nice weather), decorating salad bar, preparing the metal bowls with ice in order to keep the products cold if it is cold outside. They continue by suggesting which lettuce to put into the variety of products, to have huge span of vegetables, and finally to have the dressing at the end of the salad bar.

It's perfect also if your friends are vegeterian in vegans, there is no need to do the separate dish for them, they will do it by themselves! Just have enough bowls, clean the vegetables, put everyting you think it's worth pairing up and enjoy with nice afternoon with your friends!

Hope you like it! Have a lovely day! :)

source: http://www.ehow.com/how_5763051_create-perfect-salad-bar-party.html

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