četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

How far can it go?

In my seventh journal entry I will focus on how far can technology go and what is waiting for us in the future inspired by an article that I found on the Springwise.com. The title of the article is: "In Russia, supermarket checkouts will read emotions to offer personalized deals".

Every consumer is unique and a lot of things influence our consumer behaviour. Consumer's individual behaviour influences his/her buying decisions every day. Based upon emotions, people are ready to buy different products. Marketing experts are aware of that and they are alreday doing whatever is in their power to attract more consumers and to predict their behaviour.

Supermarkets throughout the world are already making personalized discounts with the help of loyalty cards, but Russian marketing tech company has gone even further. Russian company Synquera invented a device which will use emotion detection to consumers in order to offer them timely promotions.

They developed a platform which is called Simplate with a face recognition system which automatically scans facial expresions, loyalty scheme, purchasing history of a consumer in order to provide them with special offers.

"The sensors can also detect the emotions of consumers through their facial expression and can use this data when choosing to offer discounts - targeting shoppers at times when a small boost might improve their mood and help them feel more sympathetic towards the brand. The information gathered at the checkout point provides retailers with greater insight about their consumer base and can help them target ads at individuals either through their phone or digital bilboards as they're exiting the store."

Source: http://www.springwise.com/russia-supermarket-checkouts-read-emotions-offer-personalized-deals/

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