četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

Ideas worth spreading!

One of my favourite TED talks is „The global food waste scandal“ prepared by Tristram Stuart.

Tristram's speach begins how he managed, when being only 15 years old, feed a few pigs in most natural and environmental friendly way and later sold them to earn some allowance. He got food for feeding his pigs from the local producers which were throwing their food because it was not suitable (wasn't in the proper form) to send it in supermarkets. It is almost unbelievable how much food is ruined in some countries just because it isn't appealing enough to be sold on supermarket's shelves.

Uper graph shows nation by nation breakdown of the likely level of food waste. He emphazies the fact that there is no statistical data to show how many food people waste per country. However, he decided to figure out his own way how he would measure how much food is actual thrown away. He took the food supply of every country and compared what is likely to be consumed in each country based on range of factors. Black line on the upper graph shows likely level of consumption with allowance for some amount of inevitable waste. Any country above the black line is wasting more food than it should be (most of U.S. and Western European countries). 

He also got to the conclusion that a lot of developed countries have 3-4 times more food than their population needs. On the interesting example with nine biscuits and how they dissapear he showed how from the nine biscuits from the begining we get to only four after throwing away them because of some uneappealing features. 

Where does all that food ends up?

The discrepancy  in how one nation percieves food and how it is percieved by other is huge nowdays. Tristram Stuart intrigued me in his speach to investigate a bit more how much food is wasted nowdays, and on the other hand, how many people didn't eat anything today.

As in this moment while you are reading, and just in the moment I was writing this, people die because of hunger. How many times have we throw away some of our food just because we weren't able to finish it, how many times have we let our food to go bad in our freezer? 

If  I make at least one person to think about this problem and start doing someting on it, I have made a lot. It doesn't mean that if people around us are acting careless, we should act the same. If each of us just saves one person, it is a huge number at the end, isn't it? 

Hope you like it! Have a lovely day! :)

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