četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

Hot sauce that isn't hot?

As I was starting to write this entry, I kinda caught myself having too many on my mind, and actually have nothing on my mind. So, as my Enterpreneurship lecturer Tina Lee Odinsky-Zec suggested, I asked my good friend Google to help me a bit.

So I googled enterpreneur trends 2013, and got a perfect page for inspiration!

Look at all varieties of hot sauces there are on the market:

It seems like hot sauce is one of the 10 fastest-growing industries in the U.S. by looking at enerpreneurial trends in 2013!

But have you ever seen your grandma or grandpa eating a hot sauce? Bet you haven't! Well, what is stopping producers to make hot sauces suitable for children and grandparents? It could expand the potential market a lot and give them a lot of additional revenues. And I'm not talking about mild versions of hot sauce! I'm talking about same intensive packining, same fulfilness of flavours, but just reducing the intensity of it a bit!

Children always want what adults want. So, it would be a great opporutnity to have a barbecue in which whole family can enjoy with variety of hot sauces. They would make grandparents feel young again by giving them something they believed they will never consume again¨!

Hope you like it! Have a lovely day! :)

source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/224977-7

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