četvrtak, 11. srpnja 2013.

It is time for... transformation!

Walking througout city of Zagreb, I have noticed many abandoned buildings and empty places which can be transformed in something useful. From the small closed shops to the huge unfinished houses, the number of potential places is enormous. Due to economic crisis, a lot of buildings which were started before it haven't been finished, a lot of business are closed, which gives a lot of potential places for a enterpreneur to expand or start their business.

One of these days, I bumped into one small, closed Kebab place (corner of Aždijina and Jukićeva street) which is just calling you to open it again! It is on a perfect location, near to two high schools just across the street universities and tram nearby. I as a student know how hard it is to find someting new and delicious to eat during your break. Also, other thing that I know is how hard it is to find a job without any proper experience, in the time when rate of unemployement is at it highest peeks...

So, I am thinking of...

How about reopening the closed Kebab place, make it healtier, fresher, renaming it, and hiring students to run it?

It would be a perfect little place to go during the 20 minute break, with just few tables outside to sit and have quick coffe, or even to run over and grab some fruit salad, healty sandwich or freshed squized orange during the 5 minute break!

Plus, you would sure like to go there if some cute girl or boy works there who is just near your age! Success is guaranteed with that.

It is all about vision and connection which we get with a certain place or an object, it doesn't have to be right, but it has to represent ourselves and our passions.

Hope you liked it! Have a lovely day! :)

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